Tuesday, March 4, 2014

6 months post surgery!

So today I had my 6 month check up and my grand total of weight loss is 143.8 lbs! Yay! I wanted 150 but close enough. My dietcian actually told me now I am losing too fast. I should be losing 1-2lbs a week now not the 4lbs that I am currently still losing. So I am suppose to increase my cals, make sure i am eating 1200 maybe even a bit more if I continue to swim laps 5-6 times a week. My iron was low, but I admitted that I don't take it every day so I need to try harder. Also need to increase my protein. 80g is hard! and those shakes taste awful. when i did my blood work they forgot to do my vitamin d so i had to do that while i was there too.  photo bbebea5b-9d0b-4db9-bd06-d7a8f0693f80_zps9eb374d9.jpg

Sunday, December 29, 2013

major mini goal achieved! and where I am at now.....

So i know its been a while since i lost wrote, but things are going great. i had my last appointment on Dec 20th with the baraitric team and i dont go back till march. at this appoinment, which is less then 4 months since i started this journey and just over 3 months since the surgery I have lost 105 lbs! I am so excited. i rewarded myself greatly (but not with food! lol) i still have a long way to go but already my life has improved. I can walk a lot longer, i can drive comfortably in the car now, i am down a few sizes of clothing, and my mental health is much better, just to name a few things :) now i do find it hard during the christmas season...i ate a slice of pizza, and i ate 1 cookie. but for the most part i have resisted. for the first time ever in my life i am still losing weight over the holidays instead of gaining and it feels awesome! now they dont recomend you drink pop, even diet because of the carbonation and it can fioll you up and make you less hungry for food that you actually need. However i admit to drinking more diet pop then i should...which i will be working on. i have been told its ok now to drink caffeine and alcohol in moderation...so i have. but not much. oh and i had blood work done and despite me not always remebering to take all my vitamins every day all my levels were good except for the vit D...so they increased that a bit. i will do blood work again in feb. things to work on is drinking more water, adding activity, and eating more then a skinny latte for breakfast.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

its like having a Heyden every week!!

so I got weighed while i was at my sleep apnea appointment and i am down 77.2 lbs since my surgery 8 weeks ago! that's an average of 9.6 lbs a week, which is what my eldest son Heyden was at birth! i feel awesome. it has helped my depression quite a bit, i am now on lower dose of meds (will always be on something since i am bipolar). also i can now walk so much further then i could before. before from the doors to the sleep clinic i would have to sit down twice and i would be totally out of breath. today i walked it without sitting down at all, and i was not at all out of breath! felt great to be able to do that! since i passed my next goal of 75lbs lost I am rewarding myself with a special necklace off etsy (once we get paid.)

Friday, September 27, 2013

Afraid to eat...

and not just because of the pain i get cuz i usually eat too fast but because i am paranoid about losing weight. Right now i am losing just over 1 lb a day. LOVING it. i am afraid as i introduce more food my weight loss will slow down, stop or even wore i will gain. i know i am not eating anywhere near the amount of fat, sugar and calories that i was pre surgery. but still i am scared. i want to lose weight soooo badly. i badly want to eat normal meals...but at the same time i don't. not if it affects my weight loss. i have HUGE anxiety over this. i don't want to be fat forever.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Smile! its picture time!

So i vowed every 50lbs i would show a pic. so here's me (all in black) at my heaviest...and then me after losing 55 lbs! i know ignore the awful hair...we havnt been getting along latly! click the pic to see better..not sure why its overlapping with the other pics.  photo 10eaf884-8c4a-4340-9214-c6dd951b29c1_zps3013cbe6.jpg

Monday, September 23, 2013

55 lbs down!!!

in 7 weeks i have lost 55 lbs!!!!!!!! i am so excited! I am almost done week 3 of the post surgery diet (6 weeks in total) so far i have been allowed to try melba toast, low fat cream cheese,saltines, as well as all my full fluid things (and a few things that i dont like so wont touch), the melba tost i had with light cream cheese and it hurt my stomach for 2 hours afterwards! we are talking severe pain! so i havnt tried that again. lol. i know part of the problem is i eat too fast (i always have eaten really really fast) and it causes a lot of pain. so working on that. 50lbs lost was my first goal so i get to buy myself a bookshelf for the bedroom!!! yay me!!!

Monday, September 9, 2013

lets talk about the surgery!

So I have updated on FB, but havnt really felt up to doing a whole post about it yet. so here goes. we left to go to hamilton at 4 am wednesday (4th) morning. got there early of course so we had to wait in the car as the doors didnt open till 6 am. after we got inside they took my info and i went pee, then they took me to the back alone. I got in a gown (nothing else) and they hooked up an iv. which took forever as i am a bad poke. they gave me a shot of heprarin in my thigh and then finally brant was allowed to wait with me. my suregery wasnt set till 9 am, but they had to run a couple iv medications first. so we chatted and killed time. seemed like forever as i was pretty nervous by now. while we waited a few doctors came and spoke to us about what was going to happen etc... finally it was almost 9 am and my turn. they put a cap over my hair and i said i love you to brant and was wheeled on the stretcher to the OR. said hi to dr.Hong (the surgeon) who was chatting in the hall with other doctors. indisde i was introduced to everyone, and then asked to scoot onto the operating table. it was cold and had a kinda sticky mat on it. but they let me keep the blanket on so i didnt flash everyone...something yes i was worried about lol. once laying down on it. they put a mask on me, oxygen...said to breathe a couple times. said to let them know when i was getting sleepy....all of a sudden the whole room started spinning really fast, i told them and they said that was normal...i was on the verge on a panic attack...and bam i dont remember anything after that lol. i was pretty out of it in recovery, had trouble waking up, i had my cpap machine on and o2 was hooked up to it...apparently my heart beat was high as well. i was done suregery at 10:30 dr.hong came out then and spoke to brant saying everything went great. her could see me in about an hourish. well it ended up 3 hours in recovery because of my sats. needed quite a bit of 02. finally i was brought to the 6th floor...brant met me up there. honestly the rest of the day is a pretty big blur lol. i slept away most of it...i would try and stay awake but i couldnt. so around 6 brant went home so i could rest. the next day i was much more awake...started on fluids (water), did really well and was able to have the iv taken out. i was also off oxygen that day as well. brant came for a few hours in the afternoon, i walked as much as i could. the gas pain was pretty painful. friday monring everything looked well and i was sent home that morning!